публикации в открытом доступе

Дарья Аркадьевна Мотовилова,
руководитель направления IP CLUB

e-mail: da.motovilova@gmail.com

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Публикации IP CLUB в открытом доступе:

книги IP CLUB

книги и статьи М.А. Рожковой

обзоры практики


1. Требования в отношении патентного раскрытия информации о генетических ресурсах и традиционных знаниях. Основные вопросы. второе издание. Публикация ВОИС 2020.
2. Географические указания – Введение. Публикация ВОИС № 952R. 2017.
3. Доклад ВОИС 2019 г. из серии «Тенденции развития технологии». Искусственный интеллект. Краткое изложение. Публикация ВОИС, 2019.
4. Изобретая будущее: Введение в тему «Патенты для малых и средних предприятий». Публикация ВОИС № 917(R). 2005.
5. Интеллектуальная собственность и фестивали народного творчества, искусств и культуры. Практическое руководство. Публикация ВОИС № 1043R. 2018.
6. Как стать мастером игры. Коммерческие и правовые аспекты. Публикация ВОИС № 959 R. 2014.
7. Курбалийя Й. Управление Интернетом. DiploFoundation, 2016.
8. Монетизация авторско-правовых активов предприятиями творческих отраслей. Публикация ВОИС № 955 R. 2013.
9. Нематериальный капитал в глобальных цепочках создания стоимости. Доклад 2017 г. о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире. Публикация ВОИС № 944 R. 2017.
10. Ното Ла Диега, Г., Блокчейн, смарт-контракты и авторское право’ (2019) 14(3) Труды Института государства и права РАН 9.
11. Основы интеллектуальной собственности: вопросы и ответы для учащихся. Национальное управление интеллектуальной собственности Китая (CNIPA) и ВОИС. 2019.
12. Руководство по основным услугам ВОИС. ВОИС. 2019.
13. Создание знака: Введение в тему «Товарные знаки для малых и средних предприятий». Публикация ВОИС № 900.1. 2019.
14. Стоппс, Д. Музыка как источник дохода. Публикация ВОИС № 939R. 2017.
15. Стремление к совершенству. Введение в тему «Промышленные образцы для малых и средних предприятий». Публикация ВОИС № 498.1. 2019.
16. Управление интеллектуальной собственностью в рекламной индустрии. Публикация ВОИС № 1021R. 2017.
17. Урегулирование споров в области ИС и технологии с помощью механизмов АУС ВОИС. Публикация ВОИС № 799R/2016.


Intellectual Property

1. A Casebook on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. WIPO Publication No. 791E. 2018.
2. Boyle, J., Jenkins, J., Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society. Cases & Materials. 4th Ed. 2018.
3. Boyle, J., Jenkins, J., Intellectual Property: Law & The Information Society. Selected Statutes & Treaties. 2019.
4. Creative Expression. An Introduction to Copyright and Related Rights for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. WIPO Publication No. 918(E).2006.
5. Dornis, T.W., Trademark and Unfair Competition Conflicts: Historical-Comparative, Doctrinal, and Economic Perspectives. Cambridge University Press. 2017.
6. Fisher, W. Theories of Intellectual Property. New Essays in the Legal and Political Theory of Property. Cambridge University Press. 2001.
7. From Script to Screen: The Importance of Copyright in the Distribution of Films. WIPO Publication No. 950E. 2011.
8. Geiger, Ch., Shaheed, F., Bidault, M., Shaver, L., Correa, C.M., Dreyfuss, R., Giblin, R., Weatherall, K., and Ducoulombier, P., Intellectual Property and Access to Science and Culture: Convergence or Conflict? 2016.
9. Geographical Indications. An Introduction. WIPO Publication No. 952E. 2017.
10. Ginsburg, J., Overview of Copyright Law (July 1, 2016). Forthcoming, Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Property, Rochelle Dreyfuss & Justine Pila, Eds.; Columbia Public Law Research Paper No. 14-518.
11. Greffe, X., Managing Creative Enterprises. WIPO Publication No. 938(E).2006.
12. Guide to WIPO Mediation. No. 449E/2018.
13. Helfer, L. The New Innovation Frontier Revisited: intellectual Property And The European Court Of Human Rights, Intellectual Property and Human Rights, Fourth Edition (Paul L.C. Torremans, ed., Forthcoming). Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2019-68
14. How to Make a Living from Music. WIPO Publication No. 939(E). 2017.
15. In Good Company: Managing Intellectual Property Issues in Franchising. WIPO, 2019.
16. Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals. Practical Guide. WIPO Publication No. 1043E. 2018.
17. Intellectual Property Basics: A Q&A for Students. CNIPA and WIPO, 2019.
18. Inventing the Future – An Introduction to Patents for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. WIPO, 2018.
19. Key Questions on Patent Disclosure Requirements for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge. WIPO Publication No. 1047E. 2017.
20. Lemley, M. A., Property, Intellectual Property, and Free Riding. Texas Law Review, Vol. 83, p. 1031, 2005.
21. Lianos, I. Competition Law and Intellectual Property (IP) Rights: Analysis, Cases and Materials (October 30, 2016). Chapter 13 in Ioannis Lianos & Valentine Korah with Paolo Siciliani, Competition Law (Hart Pub. 2017 Forthcoming).
22. Liu, K.-Ch., Racherla, U.S., Innovation, Economic Development, and Intellectual Property in India and China: Comparing Six Economic Sectors. Springer, Singapore, 2019. Open Access book.
23. Looking Good: An Introduction to Industrial Designs for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. WIPO, 2019.
24. Making a Mark – An Introduction to Trademarks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. WIPO, 2017.
25. Managing Intellectual Property for Museums. WIPO Publication No. 1001E. 2013.
26. Managing Intellectual Property in the Advertising Industry. WIPO Publication No. 1021e. 2011.
27. Mastering the Game: Business and Legal Issues for Video Game Developers. WIPO Publication No. 959E. 2014.
28. Menell, P.S., and Scotchmer, S., Intellectual Property. HANDBOOK OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell, Forthcoming; UC Berkeley Public Law Research Paper No. 741724.
29. Monetization of Copyright Assets by Creative Enterprises. WIPO Publication No. 955E. 2014.
30. Moore, A. and Himma, K., “Intellectual Property”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
31. Moullier, B., Holmes, R., Rights, Camera, Action! IP Rights and the Film-Making Process. WIPO Publication No. 869(E). 2007.
32. Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition. Springer. 2018.
33. Patent Remedies and Complex Products. Toward a Global Consensus. Cambridge University Press. 2019.
34. Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance. OECD Conference Proceedings. OECD, 2004.
35. Posner, R.A., Intellectual Property: The Law and Economics Approach. Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 19, No. 2, Spring 2005.
36. Seeber, M., Balkwill, R., Managing Intellectual Property in the Book Publishing Industry. WIPO Publication No. 868(E). 2007.
37. Seuba, X., Gieger, Ch., Pénin, J., Intellectual Property and Digital Trade in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (Issue No.5 – June 2018).
38. Stiglitz, J.E., Economic Foundations of Intellectual Property Rights, 57 Duke Law Journal 1693-1724 (2008).
39. Trends in Trade in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods. OECD, EUIPO, 2019.
40. Watt, R., An Introduction to the Economics of Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights. Collective Management as a Business Strategy for Creators. WIPO. 2016.
41. WIPO Guide to Using Patent Information. WIPO Publication No. L434/3E.
42. WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook: Policy, Law and Use. WIPO publication No. 489 (E). 2008.
43. WIPO Mediation, Arbitration, Expedited Arbitration and Expert Determination Rules and Clauses. WIPO Publication No. 446E. 2020.
44. WIPO Technology Trends 2019 – Artificial Intelligence. WIPO. 2019.
45. World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Industrial Property Strategies in the Digital Economy. OECD, 2017.
46. World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Innovation and IP Bundles. OECD, 2015.
47. World Corporate Top R&D Investors: Shaping the future of technologies and of AI. OECD, 2019.
48. World Intellectual Property Report 2019 – The Geography of Innovation: Local Hotspots, Global Networks.

ICT and Data Protection

1. Analysis of Data Deletion and Opt-Out Choices on 150 Websites. USENIX. 2019.
2. Artificial intelligence and privacy. Datatilsynet. 2018.
3. #BigData: Discrimination in data-supported decision making. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 2018.
4. Complications and Quandaries in the ICT Sector: Standard Essential Patents and Competition Issues. Springer. 2018.
5. Data quality and artificial intelligence – mitigating bias and error to protect fundamental rights. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 2019.
6. Data-Driven Innovation: Big Data for Growth and Well-Being. Paris, OECD, 2015.
7. Determann, L., No One Owns Data. UC Hastings Research Paper No. 265. 2018.
8. Dwork, C., Roth, A., The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy. 2014.
9. Edwards L., Veale, M., Slave to the Algorithm? Why a ‘Right to an Explanation’ Is Probably Not the Remedy You Are Looking For (May 23, 2017). 16 Duke Law & Technology Review 18, 2017.
10. Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. 2019.
11. Exploring the Economics of Personal Data. A Survey of Methodologies for Measuring Monetary Value. OECD, 2013.
12. Facial recognition technology: fundamental rights considerations in the context of law enforcement. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 2020.
13. GDPR Handbook: Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation. White & Case, 2019.
14. Global Privacy Enforcement: Highlights and Trends. OneTrust DataGuidancetm 2019.
15. Handbook on European data protection law. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and Council of Europe. 2018.
16. Hoeren, T., Kolany-Raiser, B., Big Data in Context: Legal, Social and Technological Insights. Springer. 2018.
17. Kurbalija, J., An Introduction to Internet Governance. 7th ed. DiploFoundation, 2017.
18. Lessig, L., Code: Version 2.0. 2006.
19. Lessig, L., Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. Bloomsbury, 2008.
20. Pew Research Report: Facebook Algorithms and Personal Data. Pew Research Center, January, 2019.
21. Poblet, M., Casanovas, P., Rodríguez-Doncel, V., Linked Democracy: Foundations, Tools, and Applications. Springer. 2018.
22. Preventing Unlawful Profiling Today and in the Future: a Guide. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2018.
23. Under watchful eyes: biometrics, EU IT systems and fundamental rights. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2018.
24. Utz, C., Degeling, M., Fahl, S., Schaub, F., Holz, T., (Un)informed Consent: Studying GDPR Consent Notices in the Field. In 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’19), November 11–15, 2019, London, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
25. Valdetero, J., Zetoony, D., Data Security Breach Handbook. Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, 2019.
26. Zhang, R., Xue, R., Liu, L., Security and Privacy on Blockchain. ACM Comput. Surv. 1, 1, Article 1. 2019.